The ‘Bike Mine’ Will Literally Blow Up in Thieves’ Faces

The ‘Bike Mine’ Will Literally Blow Up in Thieves’ Faces

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The battle against thieves is never-ending. You can’t be made at people who are constantly trying to find new ways to deter the scum of the earth from taking things like motorcycles or bicycles that do not belong to them. Traditionally, for those types of items, the deterrent is some form of a lock, but Yannick Read from London came up with something a little different.

Instead of trying to make the object impossible to steal, Read is trying to scare away thieves. Bike Mine is essentially a blank that you can hook to anything and will explode if there is movement. It will make a 150db blast that’ll wake you and anybody else around up and alert you of the attempted robbery.

Here are the issues we have with this:

  • That’s an annoying ass way to set up on your property every single night.
  • Things that sound like fake gunshots aren’t exactly great for the neighborhood.
  • If a thief has time to look at the bike and inspect for locks, he’s surely going to see the Bike Mine. And it looks pretty simple to take it off.
  • People could still steal the bike if they just act casual, throw it in the van and drive away. It doesn’t take much time, and you’re going to be groggy as hell trying to wake up, find your bearings, and look for a license plate outside.

Still, he might be on to something, if he can work out those issues. If you’re interested, support the Kickstarter here.


via [kickstarter]

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