An Artistic Look at the Hell’s Angels

An Artistic Look at the Hell’s Angels

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When one thinks of the Hell’s Angels, there are many different things that might pop into a person’s mind. Someone might think of organized crime while another might think of a hoard of motorcyclists roaring through the city streets.

Still more might picture a big, brawny guy in a leather jacket and tattoos snaking down his arms. Though we won’t say that any of these are true or false in any way, we will point in the direction of a photographer names Andrew Shaylor, who took the time to capture actual Hell’s Angels members in their true element.

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Some of the members seem to fit the mold that people make for them perfectly, displaying many tattoos, a muscular build, and attire than advertises their involvement. Still, others seem quite happy and interesting, like they have a story to tell.

Regardless of how you might view each picture, every shot definitely tells a story beyond what we see. Clearly Shaylor put a lot of time and effort into making these images just perfect, and he succeeded at it. He seems to have captured the real Hell’s Angels in a light we’ve never seen them in before.

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It’s amazing to see such artistic photos of a world that most would never though would be shown that way. What each one shows is up to the viewer, and we would definitely recommend that you check out the rest of the collection!