Loriz Baz Goes for a Michelin No-Tire Test at 180 mph

Loriz Baz Goes for a Michelin No-Tire Test at 180 mph

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Loris Baz

As the MotoGP field rolls out on the tarmac of the Sepang International Circuit in Malaysia, riders, engineers, and crew chiefs alike hope to come to terms with the 2016 MotoGP season machinery.

That’s exactly what Frenchman, Loris Baz was doing onboard his Avintia Ducati, when his rear Michelin tire decided to kaputĀ at over 180 mph. The soft-compound Michelin disintegrated as Baz headed down the main straight, which seemed to play in role in this miraculous and injury-less wreck.

The Sepang International Circuit is made up of many high-speed turns, including sweepers and decreasing and increasing radius turns, which could’ve led to deadly injuries had he been traveling any direction other than forward when the blow out happened. Baz walked away with a minor shoulder abrasion.

Loris Baz

The accident has led Michelin to withdraw the soft-compound rubber from all MotoGP activities, until its engineers further investigate the situation.


Sepang International Circuit is home to many rare and unexplainable accidents besides Baz’s, including wrecks by Marquez and the late Simoncelli.

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Photos via: [MCN]

Jerry Perez is a regular contributor to Ford Truck Enthusiasts, Corvette Forum, and 6SpeedOnline, among other auto sites.