Supercross Insanity Ends in Fist Fight

Supercross Insanity Ends in Fist Fight

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Racing is sometimes a cutthroat sport. Tempers can flare as your adrenaline pushes faster and faster through your veins. It’s not the most productive side of racing, but it definitely happens much more often than people realize. It is however, not how you win races. Racing needs to be calm, cool, and collected. You need to be a surgeon, not some crazy person out for blood. That’s how you make mistakes.

The video below is of a crazy person out for blood after a fellow supercross racer accidentally runs wide and doesn’t have time to correct. Both supercross riders crash their motorcycles, but one feels slighted by the racer who ran wide. Things get hectic after both men get up onto their feet. Punches are thrown, pushes, and what most likely are some fairly blue expletives.

For me, this isn’t just flared tempers, this is just being a dick. Things happen in races people, if you can’t handle that, get out, we don’t want you there. This actually just happened to me at a flat track event, and guess what, I didn’t start throwing punches, I got up, checked to see if the other rider was ok, and we continued to have a good race. Grow up people.

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