Trikeasaurus Powered by 2-Stroke Detroit Diesel V8

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Put down those ponyboy high Harley handlebars and grab on to these trike power bars backed by a thunderous two-stroke Detroit Diesel V8 engine. The kids over at Road and Track found this crazy contraption on YouTube and had some interesting insights about what they saw in this home video below. We just get to see the the mad machinist or owner tooling slowly around his property on this big boy V8 trike although from this short video we can really get an idea of what this could sound like at full throttle, ridiculously loud.

The R&T fellas keyed us in that from the looks and sound of it is a Detroit eight-cylinder diesel two-stroke engine and I must concur after my little research. I’ve never heard a two-stroke engine over 500cc but this V8 sure sounds two-stroke little, super choppy and rough. Surprisingly it’s not shaking the rider apart like I thought it would but it still seems like a vehicle one must muscle to get it working properly.

The engine isn’t the only crazy work done, take a look at that big trike chassis, truck wheels and long wheelbase. This a what I call a trikeasaurus. The biggest trike I’ve ever seen. I wonder how long the entire build took. I wish he would have documented the custom build because just mating that V8 to the trike body would have been a picture for the ages. The only other big V8 motorcycles are the Boss Hoss machines but nothing diesel and designed like it came from a Hollywood movie.

Have you or your friends done any custom builds like this? Share in the comments below. We would love to see an extreme trike build-off in the future.

Via[Road and Track]